MySQL 常用简单语句整理



记录下一些简单又常用的 MySQL 语句


添加字段 alter table user add dirName varchar(255) default null

修改字段类型 alter table stat modify updateTime int(20)

按条件查询 select * from stat where status=1

分页查询 select * from stat limit (pageIndex-1)*pageSize,pageSize

按时间段查询 select * from stat where uploadTime between 1569081600 and 1569254400

排序 select * from stat order by uploadTime desc


select * from stat where uploadTime between 1569081600 and 1569254400 order by uploadTime desc limit 0,20

select * from stat where status=1 and (uploadTime between 1569081600 and 1569254400)

删除字段 alter table car_evidence drop column unit_name

修改字段名称 alter table env_boqing change ver version varchar(50) default null

根据条件统计总数 select count(status=1 or null) as totalNum from stattest

查看表结构 desc table_name